How does Isuzu Trucks solve dpf resource regeneration?

Isuzu van cargo box Trucks

At this stage, Isuzu Trucks these two conditions when the DPF light is flashing. There are three operating states, which are fully automatic regeneration, a manual regeneration and anytime, anywhere regeneration.

Isuzu van cargo box Trucks
Isuzu van cargo box Trucks
  1. Automatic regeneration. The DPF’s color is green and there is no manual intervention needed at this point.

This kind of situation occurs usually when the vehicle is in a fast speed range (above the speed of 80 km/h), and continues to maintain regular and secure driving situations. If the fine particles are eliminated then you will see the DPF warning light is going to come out by itself.

  1. Manual regeneration. The indicator light in yellow of the DPF will flash an indicator light that flashes. In this instance the vehicle is typically operating at a slow speed of less than 80 km/h.

In this moment you must immediately get away from the road, avoid flammable and explosive, and explosive objects. You should wait for the car to come to a stop and then put it in neutral gear then pull the brake and keep your DPF control key.

Isuzu Trucks DPF Control Switch
Isuzu Trucks DPF Control Switch

At this point the yellow light indicator light will stay visible for quite a while, and it will be able to resolve. The resolution is between 15 and 30 minutes. After the fine particles are cleared and the indicator light is turned off, it will disappear by itself.

  1. Regeneration anytime, any day The system can be operated anytime, making it suitable for drivers who are only driving in urban areas.

For instance, when you return home from work If the car has stopped and the car is stopped, hit and keep the DPF key for the solution function for three to five seconds to perform the check. If the indicator light turns amber the indicator light, this means that the manual rebuilding process is needed.

Isuzu Trucks DPF device
Isuzu Trucks DPF device

In this kind of scenario in this type of situation, hit the DPF button again and the indicator light will remain present, and wait for 15-30 minutes. If the indicator light goes off, this means the fine particles have been eliminated.

If the Isuzu DPF light is visible, it is the warning light for the device that filters particulates. When the light comes visible, the driver has to allow the driver to rebuild, or change the engine load of the vehicle so that the rebuild can be run at the time of need.

The hourly speed will be converted into a high-speed cycle system (the rate of speed for the vehicle increases to over 1600rpm). After approximately 20 minutes an indicator lamp will turn away, and the reconstruction will be completed.